About Me

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Hi my name is Threy, I'm 14 years old. We are in the process of moving to Quanzhou in China but first we are going to Australia to vist our cousins while dad sets us up in China then hopefully we are off.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Correspondence is a fun and exciting way to learn and type. I have found this experience challenging in the way that I cannot type fast but am giving it my best and doing quite well.
The work that we are doing is better than ordinary school work because if we have trouble we can simply email our teacher or use Skype usually in ordinary school there is always a massive line just to speak to the teacher and I am competing to get the teachers attention with about 35 other kids!!!  When I compare how much work I did at Intermediate last year compared to this term , well what can I say , I do more work now than I did , with a lot more success and I feel excited to complete it , knowing I have Sandy at the other end if I get stuck.
Each time I work on projects or writing about subjects normally at school with all the other children I could become quite distracted, but working at home with mum we have a rule …..Look, read, focus and concentrate, and never be afraid to ask for help.
It is important to be questioned because then you can learn to improve your work and gain more knowledge. If you don’t get questioned you can get away with not learning anything and then you won’t succeed in getting a job.
Working on clash of the titans I found this quite challenging as my awesome partner Toby could not connect to Skype so we had to use emails, but sometimes Toby was not near a computer.  But we managed in the end.  I enjoyed working with someone who was not sitting next to me like we did in class.  Toby showed me how to do a Power Point Presentation, so next term I will have a go at this myself.


Thursday, 7 April 2011

What I have been up to

This is some of my work from correspondence school.  I love to sketch , especially sea life and maori fish hooks.  The bottom picture is my dragon , it took me about an hour to make.
